Thursday, October 27, 2011

occupy for us page 2

There are many way of doing things which add income and benefit everyone.
Simple easy fixes at no cost to tax payers or public funds for bail outs.
One example car insurance, why does everyone who lives in a certain city or state all pay more then those that do not?
Rate the insurance by how the driver drives not where they live, not everyone in a certain place all have accidents. Imminent affect, less cost and higher cost for those with a bad driving record that as affected everyone else.

This as not happened because of the lost income that insurance companies would lose from profiteering from a corrupt system not allowing the free market to exist.
Life insurance is the highest profit made by insurers because of those that drop out before the policy matures.
Example if you quit a job and had been paying into a life insurance policy while employed you get nothing back same so if anyone has been paying into them then drop out before maturity, Why is some of this not given back?

One of the highest cost of health care is the costs of medications, search the internet for the retail cost of medications ,the actual retail costs and compare this to the same medication sold here, you will be quite surprised at how extremely high the cost difference is.

The pharmacy industry gets a special tax break for donations for research (they do not have to show the donations or account for them, free money)
If you research the amounts given for cancer or aids the total is well over a billion dollars over the past few years.

Much of the research is done in places such as a college or independent research area; often the drug company did not even invent the medications but bought up the patent.

They are allowed to charge anything they can get away with and need not account for the donations, or held to account for them by lowering the cost. (Missus the donation from the cost after all people gave them money to do so)

It is no different then going to a place making a car, having everyone else pay for the creation of the car and all production costs then charging the customer a high cost for buying it, a double profit.

There was an attempt to create a free market a few years ago by allowing people to buy medications over seas.

The drug companies paid millions of dollars to fight this off claiming there would be no safe way to buy safe medications.

This is false, and was accounted for in the original concept by allowing only certifiable proven places allowed to sell them, buying from other government places over seas from the exact same manufactures.

This would have created a much lower cost for all the hospitals and people needing medications.
Don’t want the public to be able to do this then why not just allow a hospital or care centers to do this all properly regulated to insure safe drugs?
An example of how an industry was able to buy a policy of not allowing this and the people suffered.
Allow Medicare to buy drugs in the same manner the VA does in bulk and it will result in a saving.
Again this was over ruled by that industry lobbying.
Allow people to buy medical policies from any state this to lowers costs for all.
Again the money from the many being taken away and given to the self interests of the few.

It is time to consider the population as a whole to benefit the whole and not just the few.
This is not a give away or some form of socialism it is simply market forces allowed to operate competitively.

Roads and bridges are falling nation wide and will have to be repaired this is common knowledge and we see it when we drive along a batter down road in need of repair.
Sooner or later it has to be done why not now when employment is needed badly?

When you have easy excess to things business follows and business grows, just as when the freeway system came about look at all the businesses center around them.
This is good policy to repair them, it not only creates jobs in the repairing it create jobs all along the now better excess areas.

This was voted down in the jobs bill, not because it was wrong, it was because it would have made the other party look good for having done so.
Wrong thinking, self centered thinking and divisive which helps no one.

It didn’t matter which party would have done this it only matters it would of helped us all.
It is a return on an investment and not just money spent.
This is the central idea of taxing that which harms and taxing less that which benefits or in other words invest in what helps and punish that which harms.

This is not socialism, it is capitalism working at its best, it invests in what works and punishes that which does not work.

Got a bad product get rid of it or it will harm the entire corporation, got a good product make it and it helps the corporation called America.

It is in practice a form of deregulation in that it deregulates the ability of special interest that have denied a free market ability to compete.

This is the real central problem.

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