Thursday, October 27, 2011

occupy for us page 2

There are many way of doing things which add income and benefit everyone.
Simple easy fixes at no cost to tax payers or public funds for bail outs.
One example car insurance, why does everyone who lives in a certain city or state all pay more then those that do not?
Rate the insurance by how the driver drives not where they live, not everyone in a certain place all have accidents. Imminent affect, less cost and higher cost for those with a bad driving record that as affected everyone else.

This as not happened because of the lost income that insurance companies would lose from profiteering from a corrupt system not allowing the free market to exist.
Life insurance is the highest profit made by insurers because of those that drop out before the policy matures.
Example if you quit a job and had been paying into a life insurance policy while employed you get nothing back same so if anyone has been paying into them then drop out before maturity, Why is some of this not given back?

One of the highest cost of health care is the costs of medications, search the internet for the retail cost of medications ,the actual retail costs and compare this to the same medication sold here, you will be quite surprised at how extremely high the cost difference is.

The pharmacy industry gets a special tax break for donations for research (they do not have to show the donations or account for them, free money)
If you research the amounts given for cancer or aids the total is well over a billion dollars over the past few years.

Much of the research is done in places such as a college or independent research area; often the drug company did not even invent the medications but bought up the patent.

They are allowed to charge anything they can get away with and need not account for the donations, or held to account for them by lowering the cost. (Missus the donation from the cost after all people gave them money to do so)

It is no different then going to a place making a car, having everyone else pay for the creation of the car and all production costs then charging the customer a high cost for buying it, a double profit.

There was an attempt to create a free market a few years ago by allowing people to buy medications over seas.

The drug companies paid millions of dollars to fight this off claiming there would be no safe way to buy safe medications.

This is false, and was accounted for in the original concept by allowing only certifiable proven places allowed to sell them, buying from other government places over seas from the exact same manufactures.

This would have created a much lower cost for all the hospitals and people needing medications.
Don’t want the public to be able to do this then why not just allow a hospital or care centers to do this all properly regulated to insure safe drugs?
An example of how an industry was able to buy a policy of not allowing this and the people suffered.
Allow Medicare to buy drugs in the same manner the VA does in bulk and it will result in a saving.
Again this was over ruled by that industry lobbying.
Allow people to buy medical policies from any state this to lowers costs for all.
Again the money from the many being taken away and given to the self interests of the few.

It is time to consider the population as a whole to benefit the whole and not just the few.
This is not a give away or some form of socialism it is simply market forces allowed to operate competitively.

Roads and bridges are falling nation wide and will have to be repaired this is common knowledge and we see it when we drive along a batter down road in need of repair.
Sooner or later it has to be done why not now when employment is needed badly?

When you have easy excess to things business follows and business grows, just as when the freeway system came about look at all the businesses center around them.
This is good policy to repair them, it not only creates jobs in the repairing it create jobs all along the now better excess areas.

This was voted down in the jobs bill, not because it was wrong, it was because it would have made the other party look good for having done so.
Wrong thinking, self centered thinking and divisive which helps no one.

It didn’t matter which party would have done this it only matters it would of helped us all.
It is a return on an investment and not just money spent.
This is the central idea of taxing that which harms and taxing less that which benefits or in other words invest in what helps and punish that which harms.

This is not socialism, it is capitalism working at its best, it invests in what works and punishes that which does not work.

Got a bad product get rid of it or it will harm the entire corporation, got a good product make it and it helps the corporation called America.

It is in practice a form of deregulation in that it deregulates the ability of special interest that have denied a free market ability to compete.

This is the real central problem.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

occupy for us: occupyforus

The danger of dictatorship: Voting rights have been attempted to be restricted in states such as Alabama, Mississippi and Texas as well as an attempt in Indiana.

Noted in this restricting is how it appears to be targeting “only” lower income people, racial or areas known to vote for only one political party.

Even a special session in Texas held just for this reason to restrict voting.

This attempt at restricting and or making it harder to vote by adding on things such as proof of citizenship by showing a birth certificate all were done exclusively in Republican controlled states note also that “only” in republican controlled states has there been also attempts at removing unionism and works rights to collectively bargain.

Note worthy also only republican controlled areas where women’s rights such as abortion and the excused use of religion been used by this party.

If a party really is for the rights of people it would not be trying to restrict voting, it would instead be encouraging voting, and it would instead be for the rights of a person.
It would also not use one type of religius belief to encourage a perjudice of others who are either not of this religious belief or not in any religious belief.

This is not a hope of voting for the other party, it is only showing what effect it would be if only one party with a record such as this, what it could become, or is it what it wants to become?

In a nation which claims seperation of church and state, and cliams all may belief or not belief as they wish, it is highly un-ethical to use a belief system in its politics or use it to divid a nation.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We have all heard the outcries of injustice felt by the many whom have been un-justly treated.
From Wall Street to Main Street, the cries for justice being yelled out to be heard and never heard by those who have no ears to hear or even care to hear.
The voices of the many that have worked long hours laboring all their lives, earning every penny every nickel only to have those pennies and nickels taken away to pay the cost of those who never earned a penny or a nickel.

We have heard them say you are poor because you are lazy, that everyone has a chance and you were too lazy to take that chance.

Nothing on the face of the earth could ever be more wrong or more self centered then those words.
Nothing could be more greedy then taking from the many to feed the needs of an extreme few at the cost of an extreme many.

The extremely vast amount of the real 99 per cent of the entire world is exactly what it has always been.

It is those people you see behind a counter at a place you just bought gas or a food item from, it is the person who made the shoe and the shirt you are wearing, it is the people who just changed your flat tire at a tire store and the other one who is mopping the floor and the teacher at a school you got your grade school education at.

It is the working mother holding 2 jobs at minimum wage so she can feed her kids.

It is the person molding a piece of metal to make a part for a product you want to buy.

The vast overwhelming amount of jobs in the world, in this nation are not the jobs where someone is sitting in a nice clean area typing a program or some other clean environment of high pay with many benefits.

If you go out shopping on Thanksgiving Day try to remember the people who you think are not waiting on you fast enough do not have this day off to be with their families like you.
Odds are they are not even being paid extra for being there to wait on you, even better odds they are paid less then you.

No day set aside for them to be with their families, they must labor and wait on all others who have such a day off.
Take a moment to consider the other person and how life would be if you were in thier shoes.

They are people to, with families and dreams just as you have, they must labor more and are rewarded less.

For the vast amount they have a full understanding of the term earned and know the value of something earned.

The vast amount of the real 99 per cent have little tolerance for a free rider and great respect for those that really earn a living learn from the blood and sweat of real labor.

They do not ask for something they desire nothing more then a chance to “earn” a living and a respect for having done so.

Those who know what it is like to rise up from having absolutely nothing, to rise up just enough to get by this day then the next and know each day is a battle to just get by, they know exactly what the term “earned’ means.

They know they are the real 99 per cent, they know they may well always remain the 99 per cent.

Yet they continue the fight to just get by.

They continue because failure is not a term known to them, existence is something they know they must do.
The term giving up is an un-acceptable term, asking for a hand out is un-imaginable.

In war they are the volunteers, the ones on the front line, when a bridge falls they are the ones who build it back, when a road is needed they are the ones who make it.

The vast amount of those who are not wealthy is not because of laziness, it is because of a placement of the value of others above the self needs of the one.
The value a person has in others that is greater then the value of money above everything else.

The problem is not taxes, it is taxes used for the wrong reasons and those not taxed for the wrong reasons and those being taxed to pay for those that desire to pay nothing while sticking all their expenses upon everyone else.

Greed cares about only 3 things, money, more money and greater amounts of money, people are only a means of getting money from.
Change happens when the money is lost, just as bank of America dropped its fee when it lost money so will wall street and corporate greed and its bother political greed change when it loses money and votes.

It is a lie when someone says taxes are the reason for not hiring someone, you do not hire someone when money is lost because of lost profits, you do not invest when there is not a market to invest in.

Money follows money; we hire a person when there is a need for that employee.

For change to happen it must show what will happen when change does not occur.

People first and the money will follow, money first and the people will care about nothing other then what they can take.
They will treat you the same way.

When a business does harm to us then show it by not doing business with them, expose a true investment by total open exposure of it and not a hidden con job.

Proper regulation means honest business practices, requiring complete exposure of an investment.

Arrest and jail a millionaire or billionaire for robbery and place them in the same jail you would a thief who just robbed a convenient store of 100 dollars. Robbery is robbery period, do the crime do the time.

We need not just sit and occupy put a higher ethic and morality in the cause.

We have heard that the free market means business must be free to do as they please and must have little to no regulations.
What is revealed in this sort of thinking is the out right desire for greed for greed's sake.

What is not seen by those who think this way is how it applies to them ,meaning others can do to them as they please.

It appeals to the greedy by implying they can do as they please and not be held to any responsibility for doing so, what is not seen in this is how it also means others can do to them as they please.

The sword of greed cuts both ways.

The greed is so self centered it does not see its effects.
A business man sells a bad product known to harm and desires no responsibility, like wise the seller and or maker of that product which could cause the business man to lose business from selling a bad product or wrong type of speculations is also not held responsible for having done so.

In other words too bad you should have known better and the consumer and the people innocent of both dealings suffer along with everyone else.

Protesters have been jailed and not a single billionaire or millionaire has been jailed for having caused the problems in the first place.

It is all because of that self centered desire to not be held to any responsibility and a total desire to cast all blame for their irresponsibility upon all others because of some strange reasoning of logic it was all their own fault for not knowing something they could not of known of in the first place?

All this must come to an end, and a new beginning must replace that bad ending.
The protest of the many is because of the few who have robbed from the many.

The protests are an outcry for equality in an unequal sociality that rewards its people unequally and punishes its guilty unequally.

An example of cause and effect is when an employer pays only the minimum in wage with no benefits. When an employee becomes ill the cost of the treatment is spread out over those who have insurance.
It also places a burden upon the social costs a state may pay to cover those cost which is also spread out over others.

In other words everyone else pays the cost.

When a politician says just cut and cut with no tax increase and the only tax increase being asked for is upon the very wealthy and not a single dime increase upon the working class this brings into question the motive for placing all the burden upon the many to pay for the cost of the few.

The latest polling as of 11/ 19/2011 says 68 percent of people who are not millionaires say increase taxes upon the wealthy, an equal percent 68 percent of millionaires are also saying increase taxes upon them.

There is something very wrong in the morality and the ethics of trying to balance a budget and only cutting those in need while letting those who do not need who have 90 percent of wealth continue to gain even more wealth at the expense of all others?

It adds to the ever increasing reality that the American dream is nothing but a dream.

The trending as been to limit voting ability of certain classes of people, to punish and discriminate against any form of immigration that is running very close along the lines of racism.

Other highly noticeable trends have been attacks upon women’s rights such as defining life as starting at the exact point of conception.

All in an attempt to draw in the religious right to excuse actions which if not for the use of religion would be outright examples of prejudice.

It is highly suspicious activity, whose motives need to be examined and questioned.

Opportunity does not exist for everyone everywhere at any time and place.
It is vastly easier to rise up in income when someone is from a family background of plenty, not only the plenty of money also the plenty of contacts of opportunity.

It is extremely harder to rise up in income when one is from a family whose entire time is spent simply existing day by day, pay check by pay check with never enough of anything left for anything else other then a daily existence.

No steady home to live in, always just enough to pay the rent or having to move because of high rent and low pay.

This is not a statement of anything other then the facts of life, those differences in life that make a life easier for some and harder for others.

Some do rise from the depths of despair, yet those that do are the very extreme few, the many others remain in despair, living day by day.

It is a myth that all can rise and only the lazy do not.

It is not laziness that places absolutely all available recourses into the existence of a family, it is a myth that there is a high paying job on every corner, simply look where you live and the evidence of this truth becomes real.

A college education does not guarantee a high income job nor does a high school or drop out guarantee a low paying job.
Good education that teaches how to think and apply knowledge must have a culture that does not discriminate against the ability to apply the drive of a person to rise up.

Education must be more then just the basic's it must also education a student in how to create a business, how to take a concept of an invention into a reality, this is possible in high school ,many can not go to a college yet many have inventive minds and do not know where or how to put them into a business.

Doing just this easy possible change in education could result in an explosion of jobs.

This employer who pays so little with no insurance needs to pay a higher tax then the one that does pay a high wage with insurance.
This employer must not be allowed to free load off others and pass all its cost upon others.

The higher tax could be just the present existing tax rate with no loop holes to allow it to escape this tax.
A lesser existing tax upon the other with benefits that lower costs for all others.


The effect of this employer not paying a living wage and not having benefits effect us all.
A company which employees are paid higher does not affect us all in the over all costs of services. Hence the over all costs of a nation decrease in proportion to pay and benefits.

I believe in a cause and effect approach to economies that is to mean what can cause an effect upon the entire economy and holding those responsible for it at a greater cost then those that add to the benefit of an economy.

A Wall Street con job done to rob investors is no different then a street con job done on a person to rob them.
Both are a crime and both need to do the same time in the same type of jail.
It removes the elitist thinking and applies equal justice.
It sends a proper signal of a culture which treats all the same, no one is better then another

A lower national debt can be possible when the need for expense becomes less and the cost for those who cause an effect upon us all is paid for by those that cause it.

A lower national debt is also possible when the American empire shrinks down with less over seas military bases,and over seas involvements that have nothing to do with protecting a nation and are not longer needed.

We are not the worlds police force nor does what we do here mean all others must do the same.

There is no need for example to foreclose on a home because of its value being less and creating a new government loan to save it. Simply lower the value relative to the present market and then increase it back to its past value when the market improves missus what has been paid down.

A 6 per cent loan payment on a 250.000 dollar home is more in monthly payments then a 6 per cent loan on a 100.000 dollar home and more income for the home owner because of a lesser payment amount.

Many homes were over priced because of speculations which caused the entire market to be over valued giving a home buyer no choice other then to pay more for an over priced home.

Yes there is a responsibility to pay and yes, sure someone did not have to buy it, then again if there is a need it was also over speculated upon and both parties need to bare the burden.
No free ride on either part, and both bare the costs.
The rest of the nation does not pay the cost.

No need to create a new lower interest rate and a new bail out type of loan from the government, the market is relative to what the market is.
The cost is not spread out over everyone it is spread out over the parties involved.

The bank loses nothing since if it were foreclosed on it could not be sold for more then its value and lowering it down to its real value someone still has a home and is still paying some kind of tax.

It may not save the home because of a lost income but it can maybe save it from a lowered income.

The other way in creating a new government type of loan is only adding to the cost for us all and is unjustly attempting to save a bank loan lose which was too high to begin with.

It can always be later increased when its values increases but never increased above its original loan.

Targeted taxation which applies tax to the burden felt by us all need to be paid by those who caused the effect, lower taxation for those which do benefit us all.

There are many business which can not and will never go over seas, those business need to be given a break for creating and keeping jobs here.
If there were no taxes at all companies would still leave because they would still be wanting something for next to nothing.
There is no patriotism in greed.

There are many ideas, but the basic idea is holding those responsible for their actions which affect us all and to reward actions which help us all.

A student loan could be a no interest loan during theses times of recession an interest free loan for an already existing student loan for at least 5 or more years.

Better to break even then to lose it all.

In the future no federal student loans to non-accredited and out for profit colleges.
Target a student loan to a non-profit which does education with proven results.

Educate to educate, train to train and not rob then claim to educate.

Reward companies which employ here and by employ it means the majority of over 70 per cent really employed here and not just claim a corporate identity of being an American company and employ your manufacturing over seas.

A lower tax rate for the one who is really American made, a higher tax rate for the false identity of the other type claiming all American.
Encourage employment and not encourage employment leaving.

We have all heard this state rights over the federal government, is a state not still a government?

Do we all need to have 50 different nations calling themselves the United States while acting like 50 different nations?

The sole purpose of any government is to do for the people what they can not do by themselves.

The wrong is saying the purpose of government is business that is corruption asking to be legally corrupt.

Bigotry, pollution and opportunity are a national concern and needs to be addressed on a national level.

The problem has never been too much government it as always been too much government being purchased and allowed to be bought, state government and or federal government.

The examples of targeted taxation with targeted relief are just a few of the possible ways to create an equal justice in a nation of unequal rewards and unequal punishments.

Those who have been the cause need to be held responsible. if a person were to rob 200 dollars from you or a store he or she would face hard time in a hardcore jail.

If a billionare or millionare robs its employee of millions of dollars from their retirement fund, or spectulates with billions of dollars and causes a massive effect of un-employment and or cause a national and world wide downturn affecting the lives of the entire planet, he or she does no hard time in jail, is not held to any responsiblity and does not need to be bailed out by all those he or she robbed from.

The only bail out is the bail bond they need to put up to pay back what they have robbed and a trial of guilt needs to proceed.

Social Sercurity is something earned and not something to be taken away.

The agrument about it being bad is not because of people paying into it ,it is because business does not want to pay its share.

Social Sercurity can be applied at a rate of need, to help and aid those in greatest need and less of a pay out for those who have a lesser need and could exist without it yet are entitled to it.

We have worked for a great many years and have paid into in from those many years and no one is going to rob it and claim to be doing good for everyone.
If it were removed ask where would all that money go it? another bail out?

Equality does no mean everyone is the same, it means eqaul treatment, eqaul justice and eqaul responsiblity.

It is not about the rich against the poor, it is about the many and yes even the poor all being held responsible for actions.

How many people say “look how much labor they charged me” when they get their car repaired or some other item repaired.

How many others say “Look at how much that baseball or basketball player is paid?”
How many times does someone say “This thing costs this much because of labor costs?”

Exact statement from a company I worked for when many years ago the minimum wage was increased. “We can raise all our prices and if someone complains we’ll tell them it’s because of the government increasing minimum wage”

The truth of this was that no prices went up, and that excuse for raising them worked on customers.

How many times have you heard this about unions “They have people standing around doing nothing and unions force employers to pay for it?”

Another truth no work place union and or non-union tolerate any one doing nothing and being paid to do so.

All a union does is create a working environment of equality within a company and equality with the employer.

In plain talk it means no one can be fired at will for reasons of prejudice and or discrimination meaning you can be fired for not doing your job the only requirement is that you were fired for that reason and not for some other reason.

All union contracts are like this.

Pricing is raised higher on parts and goods because they know you as a customer will believe the excuse of those prices being raised as the fault of labor costs.

The age old tried and well proven tactic of using labor against itself and peoples jealous against each other, the passing of blame to excuse the greed are well known and well used tactics.

The reasoning for what you see now, the lets break up all unions that is happening in some areas is the use of this same age old tactic.

The absolute truth and for those who have no knowledge of the history of organized labor and have never experienced a work force voting in a union, that is to mean a worker in a place being organized and not an upper or middle manager in such a place.

It has always without exception been because of employer abuse, abuse of employee’s and was never at many time just because someone wanted a raise.

The reasons why employers fight off employee organizing is again not because of pay, it is absolutely because of a fear of lose of power over employees.

This is the absolute reason why the anti unionism is happening now; they desire that absolute power over employees.

The ripple effect of this will be a decrease in the standard of living for working people union and non-union which in the end may well be a 2 class system of rich and poor with no such thing as middle class.

Discrimination because of race and lifestyle and education will become the normal in work places.

Someone with a good paying job may answer so what I got what I have, (so far you do will you later?) anyone had any raises lately or a drop in pay?

Many of the fortune 100 companies paid absolutely nothing in taxes for several years and still leave and go over seas.

There is no patriotism in greed, none in profits, only the desire for more and more.

What is needed is creating an environment very friendly to those businesses that can not go over seas.

The greed of business which can leave will leave no matter how low a tax is.

The Occupy movement is not full of college kids anyone saying this is blinded by a prejudice of opinion , it has a huge amount of older people in it look at the Youngtown Ohio occupy and look at that city which is at the bottom of the poverty level.

This movement is an outcry of a nation unequal that rewards and punishes unequally.

When someone says the reason why someone is not rich is because they are lazy is the biggest self centered lie that could ever be said.

A vast amount of people are not rich not because of laziness, it is because they place a higher value in people above the single self centered goal for money.

Those of us that do understand that sentence know how true it is.

Those who have no understanding of that sentence never will.

The bull about opportunity being every where is a huge lie.

Look where you live is there a high wage job to be found on every corner, or a loan possible at every bank to create a company or education at a college possible for everyone, or do you and everyone else happen to know a wealth person who will help you create a company?

Has anyone been discriminated because of race or nationality or lifestyle and held back because of it?

As anyone been looked down upon because of their social standing?

Yes some can rise up but the factual reality is that not everyone can and a great many try and have no other choice then to just survive.

They need not been constantly punished for doing so.